Explore your internal landscape, in a space where deep inner work meets gentle guidance — connecting your worlds and creating balance. Through practices that harmonise the mind, body and spirit on your journey inward, I offer somatic and energetic work, to help regulate your nervous system, encourage healing and empower your path.
In intimate 1:1 and small-group sessions, you’re invited to tap into the power of the subconscious mind, through yoga nidra, hypnotherapy and breath work. Unlocking pathways to somatic healing, guiding you to explore deeper layers of yourself and cultivate awareness. Each session is custom designed to help you pause, reflect and move forward with a clearer, more grounded sense of self, nurturing your inner growth. Diving deep below the surface, to unfold & come home to who you truly are.
My focus is creating real movement, from the inside out, to reunite you with your core and still the waters of your inner ocean.
Discover the different ways you can work with me
Yoga Nidra means yogic or psychic sleep. A state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, induced by a guided meditation. It is a beautiful modality that moves the mental body into an alpha state, releasing serotonin, which allows you to reach a transformational experience of inner calm. From this place fluctuations in the mind start to decrease and you begin to feel more at ease. The body moves into stillness and a deep feeling of tranquillity and relaxation occurs.
"The path of least resistance to pure bliss."
In each 1:1 or group Yoga Nidra session, we will focus on a specific theme to delve into, releasing blocked energy, opening the subconscious mind and allowing your body to guide you in intentional Shavasana.
Meditation is the purest pathway to bliss, but understanding why & how is essential for a deeper practice. I will teach a series of techniques to train attention and awareness and detach from reflexive thinking. Achieving a mentally clear and emotionally calm state, while removing your attachment to the process itself. With practice & with patience.
In 1 · 1 or group meditation sessions, we will delve into the philosophy of yoga, the importance of our meditation seat & different practices to help still the mind.
Hypnobreathwork is an advanced modality, combining light hypnosis, breathwork & visualisation. Utilising the breath to clear energetic patterns, hypnosis to reprogram subconscious beliefs, and visioning to fire new neural pathways for sustainable change & impactful manifestation. Mindful breathing techniques activate the amygdala [the emotional regulation centre of our brain], reducing negative emotions and stimulating positive changes in mood and cognition.
With an increased diffusion gradient of CO2 in your blood flow, induced through high frequency & rhythmic breathing, mindfully guided by my voice, you gain access to unlock the power of your subconscious.
1 · 1 Private Sessions
ENERGetic & somatic WORK | private SESSIONS
rp 2.222.000 for 60 minutes — rp 3.333.000 FOR 90 MINUTES
All private sessions include a 15mins arrival time prior to practice & 15mins re-integration time afterwards. Option for ceremonial cacao to initiate & dive deeper within, for an additional RP 111.000 pp. + 30 minutes for ceremony.
Read more about ceremonial cacao, the beautiful properties it embodies and my connection to this earth medicine here.